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Logo Fivefold Training

Discover Your Fivefold Gifts

Collaborate Healthier as a Team.
Flourish as a Church when you're Equipped.

Innovative & Interactive Fivefold Trainings for You, Your Team and Your Church
Download your Free Exercise
Every person wants to know their gifts & design and feel the pulse pumping through their body, coming alive.

But the problem is, as an individual...

  • You don’t know your gifts or calling
  • Nobody taught you how to discover them
  • Nobody taught you how to connect them to real life
  • You feel like you don’t fit the church “structure”
  • You don’t feel released into what you’re created to do
I'm interested in Coaching
Every team wants to be effective, collaborative, and strong.

But the problem is, as a team...

  • You realize how ineffective you are since people don’t embody their roles & responsibilities
  • You are just a group of individuals, not truly collaborating together
  • You desire unity, but there are tensions among people pulling in different directions, weakening the team
I'm interested in Team-Building
Every church wants to be equipped to function in all five gifts, reflecting the fullness of Christ.

But the problem is, as a church leader...

  • You feel overwhelmed — the expectations and the workload are just too much.
  • People seem to just consume. You want to help people discover their gifts so they contribute, but don’t know how.
  • You desire unity, but there are tensions among people pulling in different directions, dividing the church.
I'm interested in Training

Can you identify with any of those pain points?

The good news is there is help

Jesus has already placed potential in you, your team and your church to grow and reach your fullest potential. Let’s discover and activate it!
  • Imagine feeling fully alive, having personal clarity about your gifts and purpose and calling… and how it fits into your daily life.
  • Imagine your team being unified, strong, and collaborative.
  • Imagine not just 20 or 30% of your church body knowing their gifts, but 70 or 80 or 90%… and living them out.
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© Nathan Brewer 2021. All rights reserved.
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